trulyMEid v3

In October 2020, we’ll be releasing the next version of trulyMEid for iOS, Android and Windows.  We’ll let you know when it’s available for your platform, and in most cases, your device’s app store will automatically update the app for you.

Here’s a quick overview of what’s new and improved in trulyMEid v3.

More branding options for your ID templates

We’ve added more information to the “My IDs” tab and also created a branding opportunity for your ID templates.

The “My IDs” tab now includes

  • The ID holder’s name
  • The ID holder’s email address
  • The date the ID was issued
  • The date the ID expires (if any)
Our online ID template editor now gives you the option to specify a branded background image for the “My IDs” tab – so that your ID holders can quick identify your ID among the many other IDs in their trulyMEid virtual wallet.

Interactive IDs

Easily and instantly create an interactive app through your trulyMEid ID templates.  trulyMEid v3 allows you to create interactive buttons and hyperlinks on your ID templates, enabling you to

  • Open a website and take the user directly to their private portal
  • Stage an email message so the ID holder can add their content and hit send
  • Dial a phone number
  • Integrate with barcode-capable systems, such as physical access control systems (PACS)

Enhanced options for Instant Surveys & Broadcasts

Poll your ID holders now…or later.  trulyMEid v3 adds the ability to schedule an Instant Survey, so you can create it now, and send it later.

Up to now, Instant Surveys had up to three canned responses.  With v3, you can allow your ID holders to pick from a canned response…or create their own.

And as always, Instant Surveys and their responses are secured by our patent-pending technology, and are visually displayed in the portal…so you can see where your ID holders are in near-real time. 

User-Initiated Secure Messaging

With trulyMEid v3, you can provide your ID holders a safe, secure chat/text message experience.

  • Create a private, secure group chat experience where ID holders can interact via chat/text style messaging
  • Allow ID holders to initiate support requests securely through the app, and respond directly to the ID holder through the app
  • Integrate secure messaging with existing email-based workflows
trulyMEid v3 secure messaging channels